Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It is The PacMan 30th Anniversary

May 22 will be the PacMan 30th Anniversary, commemorating the release of one of one of the most iconic video games of all time. It is one of probably the most popular video games ever released. The PacMan game is one of the 3 video games exhibited by the Smithsonian Institute. Google put a playable PacMan free online game on its homepage.

Resource for this article: May 22 is Pac-Man arcade game 30th anniversary By Personal Money Store

Google observes Pac Man 30th anniversary

Commemorating the PacMan 30th anniversary, Google made its home page logo, called a Google Doodle, a PacMan display. It also is a functioning game. It's not just a logo; it's a Pac Man game. You'll notice the Insert Coin button on the Google homepage. Click it and also you can play PacMan ad infinitum, without needing instant money for a lot more quarters or for a subscription to a video gaming site.

Pac Man turns 30

On May 22, 1980, Pac Man was released in Japan, according to the Pac Man wiki. It was released by Namco Games, and developed by Toru Iwatani. (On a sad note, he received no compensation or bonuses for coming up with one of one of the most popular video games of all time.) At the time, the popular video games were all typically Asteroids or Galaga-type games, and he came up with an option. It was a smashing success, and was picked up by Midway Games for US distribution. The coffee table version of the game is still a prized collector’s item.

Play Pac Man

There’s the version on the Google homepage. You can also find numerous free Pac Man games online. There is even an app you are able to download for iPod Touch and also the iPhone, and we'd presume, the iPad. It’s a legendary video game, and it is still quite fun to play.

Find a lot more info on this topic

Pacman wiki


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