Wednesday, May 26, 2010

If you want real estate on Long Island, check out the Amityville Horror House

If you like Dutch Colonials, try the Amityville Horror House

Trying to buy some prime real estate? Why not look into a three story, six bedroom, Dutch Colonial? It also has a swimming pool and a boat house right on the water. The house and lot are located in small, sleepy, suburb on Long Island. It's right on the Atlantic Ocean so the beach is never far away. It’s listed for a mere $ 1.15 million. Oh, and it's the house where The Amityville Horror took place.

Resource for this article: If you like Dutch Colonials, try the Amityville Horror House

The Amityville Horror

The book and film both titled The Amityville Horror, concern the experiences of George and Kathy Lutz and their children. The couple got the vacant large Dutch Colonial on the cheap. They learned it’s price was so low because it’s where Robert DeFeo Jr shot and killed his parents and siblings. For a pithy $ 80,000 the Lutzes bought the place, knowing full well why it was so cheap. For a house of this type, that's the kind of price that guarantees most people won't need payday loans to keep up with the payments. The Lutzes abandoned the home in less than a month, out of sheer terror and claims of haunting and demonic possession.

At the movies

Soon after the events that culminated in the Lutzes moving out, a book was written about their experiences. The accuracy of the book, The Amityville Horror, has been in doubt for some time. The film, The Amityville Horror, followed in 1979, and several sequels were made. A remake came out in 2005, starring Ryan Reynolds. Interestingly enough, after the Lutzes left in 1976, James Cromarty and his wife moved in the very next year, staying for more than 10 years. Cromarty said that "Nothing weird ever happened, except for people coming by because of the book and the movie."

Homes at killer prices

This is something the National Association of Realtors probably won't tell you, but when a murder takes place at a residence, the bank or loan company holding the mortgage will list it for sale at rock bottom prices. The idea there is to get rid of the property as quickly and quietly as possible. Don't believe me? See for yourself at The only thing you have to ask yourself is if you're alright with knowing someone met a grisly end in your living room.


The Amityville Horror


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