Saturday, November 13, 2010

National Inflation Association utilizes Inflation to market gold

This morning, the National Inflation Association was cited in a push for Food Insurance. The National Inflation Association is an organization, headed by Gerard Adams, that profits off fear of inflation. Given that Glenn Beck has gotten into trouble for pushing gold, and also the National Inflation Association connection to gold, the statistics of the Association have to be carefully examined.

Who is within the National Inflation Association

The National Inflation Association is run by a man. Gerard Adams is this man. Being a stock analyst is something Adams loves. In fact, he tells individuals which stocks to sell and purchase with the "Wall Street Grand" newsletter. The National Inflation Association site states that:

"One of our missions at the National Inflation Association is to …profile companies that we believe will prosper in an inflationary environment. Typically we will bring to you producing, profitable, Gold and Silver companies."

Given that Gerard Adams makes his living off the getting and selling of stocks, it’s logical to assume that he stands to gain or lose based on the recommendations made about stocks by the Association.

Glenn Beck with the National Inflation Association

Glenn Beck had a push for "Food Insurance" on Nov 9 in his radio show where he cited National Inflation Association figures. Pushing the product is something Beck has to do. This is because Food Insurance is a sponsor and is paying Beck for it. Beck promoted gold and silver on his show once improperly within the past. Beck promoted a gold and silver dealer that had been also on the National Inflation Association site. This had been Goldline International.

Now where the National Inflation Association could be going

Selling gold and silver is the goal of the National Inflation Association which does this with fear. The National Inflation Association says that a depression leads to prices increasing, which is questionable. Remember when looking at the National Inflation Association that there might be some correct claims but be careful.


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