Thursday, November 18, 2010

Facebook and Project Titan - A winning webmail duo?

While Google has a head start in the webmail client area with Gmail, Facebook believes there is a Gmail monster that is prepared for the world. According to TechCrunch, this large-scale project is the Venture Titan the world has been hearing about for a when. The full-featured webmail client will give Google some severe competition for market share within the webmail field.

Since Feb we've heard of the Gmail killer

Gizmodo explained that Project Titan is the name of Facebook's Gmail killer. Facebook's current messaging platform will be exchanged with this. Users may have a e-mail address with a full POP and IMAP support. Facebook users will be able to send messages to anyone outside of the Facebook community while including message search capability. Performing basic online tasks could be done on Facebook by users without going anywhere else. Considering that Facebook has upwards of 500 million active users (according to their Press Room), keeping everyone inside the borders of Facebook is a profitable proposition, indeed.

Project Titan is a huge upgrade

TechCrunch explains what Project Titan really is. It won't be a simple upgrade to message services that already exist. It could be a full-powered webmail client. It will be like all other new products though. All bugs could have to be fixed in the beginning. A "huge amount of potential" is seen by those looking into it though.

Online world all about Facebook

Facebook already owns social networking. Everyone knows that. Also, it has a fantastic micropayments system with the games along with events calendar products and photo storage products. It is possible that the Gmail killer Project Titan really could work seamlessly into existing platforms while also cutting into Gmail's webmail market share. If this happens, Mark Zuckerberg and his company can be in for it. This is probably why the freedom of contract data made Google mad at Facebook last week. The Gmail killer could possibly be coming pretty soon.

Details from



Trade the Trend’s coverage of Project Titan

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