Sunday, October 24, 2010

Anita Hill receives strange voice message from wife of Clarence Thomas

Anita Hill, Brandeis University professor, had been leading a quiet life until Thomas, wife of Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court justice, left her a blast from the past on her voice mail. Hill accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment during Thomas’ confirmation hearings in 1991 and has stood by her story since. The wife of Clarence Thomas called Anita Hill on Oct. 9 and left a message asking the professor to say I’m sorry for telling the world about her husband’s sexual hang-ups almost two decades ago.

Sexual harassment and Clarence Thomas within the very same case

Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of making offensive sexual comments within the workplace during Supreme Court confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991. CNN accounts that Americans viewed televised hearings in which Hill testified that Thomas pressured her for dates, made lewd comments and talked to her about his preferred scenes in pornographic films. Thomas called the hearings “a national disgrace” and a “high-tech lynching” as he denied all of Hill’s allegations. The all-male committee confirmed him with a vote of 52-48.

Listening to it say ‘Good morning Anita Hill’

The October 9 message from Ginni Thomas claims, based on ABC news:

“Good morning Hill, it’s Ginni Thomas. I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and also the years and ask you to think about something. I’d love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my spouse. So give it some thought. And certainly pray about this and hope that one day you will help us understand why you did what you did. O.K., have a good day.”

Anita Hill will not apologize as she says the truth about Thomas was said.

Thomas makes politics part of Supreme Court

In a statement Virginia Thomas confirmed leaving the message. She said she did it as a “peacemaking gesture.” It was not about timing at all. Ms. Thomas is all about being a right wing activist, accounts the New York Times. This year she founded Liberty Central, a political group focused on portraying policies of the Obama administration as “leftist tyranny.”. Some question the ethics and legality of Liberty Central because it is run by the wife of a Supreme Court justice who receives paid by a group financed through anonymous right wing donors.



ABC News

New York Times and hp

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