Thursday, January 27, 2011

Clean your icy vehicle right

Winter weather and the resulting ice can do a real number on your car. In the span of a few hrs, ice can cover the entire outside – and sometimes inside – of your car. While cleaning an icy auto might seem like a simple task involving heat or scraping, there are things you don’t want to do when you are de-icing your car. Learn the right way, right here.

Brush out the snow if you don't want ice

Brushing the snow off is a simple way to stop your vehicle from getting ice on it. Both snow and ice are a solid form of water, and moisture from snow will freeze and create ice that can coat your windshields, door handles and locks. Make sure you constantly brush the snow off. It does not even matter if you plan on driving anywhere. Use a snow brush or broom. You might end up chipping window glass or scratching the paint if you make an effort to use the snow shovel for your driveway. Also, never use boiling water on frozen locks and handles, as the stress will likely trigger breakage.

Offer a hand when breaking up that ice party

If you have built up some callus studying karate – or even if you have pent-up aggression you would like to take out on your auto – give that ice a whack with the flat of your hand. You are able to probably break it and brush it off if the layer is thin enough. With window ice, it can be dangerous to use things harder than your hand. Keep away from this. A shattered window is costly and horrid to deal with during winter months, and cold glass tends to be more brittle.

Get your auto warm enough

Start that car, turn on the headlights and run the heater also as both front and rear defrosters to loosen things up for cleaning. Before you do this, make sure your exhaust pipe and radiator are clear. Do not leave your engine after you start it. The frozen mix will not help very much with a radiator's coolant/water mix off and the really cold temperatures. The motor will overheat and die if you are not paying attention.

Make sure your windshield wipers blades are thoroughly clean before using them. The motor within the wiper system can break if the blades are stuck in the ice and trying to free themselves loose. Winter-grade wiper fluid can help melt window ice, as well. help melt window ice, as well.

Articles cited

Popular Mechanics

Or you could just cover your car

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