Saturday, July 10, 2010

Painting your car for less – just $ 75

Painting your car is a nice DIY project that could be done at home, but many individuals tend to keep away from it because of excessive cost and also the degree of prep-work involved. A spray gun, the right air compressor, clear coat, the right kind of primer, buffing compound, rust converter and more are all things that significant car paint enthusiasts take into account. But what if there were one more way? A less expensive alternative? A technique that depends upon thriftiness?

Post resource: Painting your car the thrifty way – for only $ 75 by Car Deal Expert

Painting your car for just $ 75 is a reality

Styluss at Instructables Workshop points to “The Poor Man’s Paint Job as a means of painting your car for less. It only costs $ 75. In short, the technique involves using Rustoleum as an automotive paint and applying it with a high-density foam brushes. There’s minimal sanding required. Just keep in mind that it is not something Earl Scheib would recommend for your new car. Results are by no means guaranteed, and also the procedure should be undertaken at your own risk. However, the results for Styluss were highly satisfactory; check out the photos at the Instructables Workshop link below for proof.

Get this together

Here are estimates for the necessary items. Your vehicle’s needs may vary. An average sedan will work with this list, but when you have an SUV, expect that you’ll need more.

3 quarts of Rustoleum high gloss white paint = $23.61
3 quarts of odorless mineral spirits = $17.97
1 can of primer spray paint = $4.99
4-inch high-density foam brushes (7) = $5.67
2-inch high-density foam brushes (7) = $3.95
Paint trays (3) = $3.21
2 packs of sandpaper intended for wet use (600- and 800-grit) = $9.50
1 roll of painter’s tape = $5.84
Total: $74.74

Preparing for the adventure

You’ll need a large, clean workspace. Find one, then wash the automobile. Anything that could be removed from the car (headlights, tail lights, mirrors, trim, etc.) should be removed. Sanding is the next step. If you will find paint chips, bust out the spray primer. Sand it evenly so that the paint has a smooth surface to which it can adhere. Painter’s tape and paper to mask non-paint areas will be necessary.

It is time for painting your car

Mix the paint half-and-half with mineral spirits. The consistency can be as milk. It is advisable to apply coats methodically in a exact same order so you won’t miss anything. Start high and work down. Make it uniform, as going back to dry area to paint alongside will create ugly paint lines.

Go slow and stick with one direction

Once you’ve decided upon your method, pour some paint mix into a paint tray and get to work. Big brushes are great for big parts, and also the smaller ones are ideal for little segments. Lay the paint on thick in an area, and then spread it around to cover and create a base. Slowly glide the brush along, always making certain to stroke in the very same direction. Be certain to watch for drips and sags. Small ones call for the brush. Big ones may require re-sanding and re-starting. Three coats should do it, with six to 12 hours of drying time after each coat. Undiluted Rustoleum is advertised as a 24-hour dry. Diluted here, assume about half that time frame or better.

Sand it for the final coats

Following the primer coats are finished drying, wet-sand the car with the 600-grit sandpaper to smooth the way for the final coats. Spray off any sanded away residue, then buff it to a shine. If painting your car went perfectly, you may not need the additional sanding. If so, you’re ready for the final coats. Allow the final coats (2-3) to dry, then sand with 800-grit or higher.

Presto! How does it feel to be done?

Wait at least a full day before washing or waxing your newly painted car. While it’s true that some brush strokes may show up on close inspection, these could be quite minor if you were careful. For $ 75, “The Poor Man’s Paint Job” is more than worth it, considering how exciting your car looks. Some individuals who have tried this claim the paint strips after a year to 18 months, but numerous others have gotten real life out of this thrifty makeover. If you are of a mind and want to spend more money, you’ll have to strip the Rustoleum off first. For the money, “The Poor Man’s Paint Job” is still a good deal.

Discover more about this topic here:…-How-to-paint-your-c/

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