Friday, April 8, 2011

Microsoft adds criticism to EU antitrust analysis of Google

Google’s runaway success in Europe has earned it attention in the form of an antitrust analysis. Google, its Euro rivals say, is taking steps that result in lower search rankings for its rivals and other strategies that limit their advertising competitiveness. On Thurs Microsoft stood behind some of its subsidiaries and filed its own complaint against Google with the EU.

Huge complaint against Google by Microsoft

In Europe, Google could have to deal with the antitrust complaint that Microsoft filed saying that Google is limiting access to data needed with YouTube and Google services like this to be able to hurt European consumers. Currently, Google is already being investigated by the European Union Competition Commission for antitrust issues. Adding Microsoft could really help the issue. Microsoft's search engine Bing has been unable to get much attention in Europe while the Internet search market is about 95 percent under Google's thumb in Europe. Google, which has become Europe’s central online hub for advertisers, has also grown accustomed to European antitrust grievances about competition among search engines. Billions went to the European Commission from Microsoft for Windows antitrust investigations. Now, Microsoft has decided to get Google into the same problem.

Obvious fights between Google and Bing

The Google antitrust grievance Microsoft filed in Europe is all about background technologies that unlock Google goods. An example would be "application programming interfaces" that are used. The Microsoft criticism claims that Google makes it impossible for Bing and other search engines to have access to YouTube because of the application programming interfaces used. Google then becomes the primary search engine used. Both the Android and iPhone don’t experience the difficulties Windows phone users experience when attempting to access YouTube. It is very hard because of the programming Google does, says Microsoft. There’s a problem with the Windows phones only because Apple is not in the competition. Bing is in the search engine industry with Google making Microsoft a target. Another Microsoft claim is that Google is blocking advertisers from optimizing on other platforms that compete. The EU antitrust probe is already looking into this though.

Revenues drop for Google in Europe possibly

The EU Commission spokesman said that Google can speak. Its side of the story must also be heard. To be able to keep a consistency with Google ads, Google said the third-party software restraint is necessary. Advertisers are allowed to access any data that is available; there are no restraints. Microsoft is involved. This means the stakes are much higher. There might be a huge fine Google would have to face. This might be up to 10 percent of global revenues in one year, which last year was $29 billion. There might also have to be other changes. This would be done to business in Europe. The European Union commission said that Google would be able to defend itself and stay away from a fine by changing its business in Europe before Microsoft got involved.

Information from

Associated Press

Los Angeles Times

New York Times

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